A mobile clinic operating atop a mountain in Tanzania's remote village.
A mobile clinic operating atop a mountain in Tanzania's remote village. ~Photo credit: Jacqueline Mwende

Nurses can now offer lifesaving medical care to a village on top of a mountain, thanks to MAF.

MAF pilot Peter Griffin flew a team of nurses from Malambo to Olemilei airstrip on top of a mountain, in northern Tanzania, navigating challenging conditions to ensure the mobile clinic ran smoothly.  

Before MAF came to our village, mothers had a big challenge accessing medical care.
Anna Franuel, local resident

Anna Fanuel, a happy mother, shares the joy of the mobile clinic atop the mountain.

She recounts the difficulties faced before MAF’s involvement, “Before MAF came to our village, mothers had a big challenge accessing medical care.”

Recalling past struggles, she says, “Many of our children have died from diseases like measles, polio Which can be prevented through vaccines."

Anna laments, “Mothers have had to travel long distances, walking for two days under the scorching sun in search of medical care. Some are unable to travel that long.”

She explains that mothers gave birth at home, and they faced big challenges when considering taking their children for vaccinations.

A nurse administering polio vaccine drops to an infant.
Photo credit: Jacqueline Mwende
A nurse administering polio vaccine drops to an infant.
MAF plays a crucial role in promoting health by facilitating vaccinations for children and providing support for pregnant mothers.
Elisha Moita, evangelist

Thanks to the support of MAF, the mobile clinics have opened doors for good maternal healthcare offering a lifeline to women and children within the Maasai community.

Nashipai, also a beneficiary of the MAF mobile clinics, expresses her joy.

She says, “It is an answered prayer for us that today, a MAF aircraft brings doctors and nurses to offer medical care to our people. Children get vaccinated, pregnant women receive great care and the sick, medication.”

Evangelist Elisha, who oversees Malambo safaris, expressed heartfelt appreciation for MAF's ongoing flights, which have become a beacon of hope for many.

Mothers with their children, patiently await their turn to monitor their babies.
Photo credit: Jacqueline Mwende
Mothers with their children, patiently await their turn to monitor their babies.

“MAF plays a crucial role in promoting health by facilitating vaccinations for children and providing support for pregnant mothers. Through their flights, they have ensured easy access to essential medical services, including flying nurses to administer vaccines and other necessary treatments to remote communities,” says Elisha.  

“Additionally, MAF assists in transferring critically ill individuals to specialized medical facilities, thereby saving lives.”

Nurses at the mobile clinic offer a range of services, including nutritional counselling, baby weight monitoring, vaccinations, and prenatal care, ensuring the well-being of both mothers and children.



ChatGPT  Portrait of a mother and her baby taken during the clinic.
Photo credit: Jacqueline Mwende
Portrait of a mother and her baby taken during the clinic

Pilot Peter explains the challenges experienced while landing at the location.

“The airstrip's high elevation affects our piston engine aircraft, reducing engine power and lift. This requires longer runways and limits weight capacity. Additionally, a large mountain at one end necessitates a precise curved final approach. Approaching from the other side requires a short final approach due to terrain constraints. Lastly, the uneven runway surface and frequent crosswinds add difficulty to manual aircraft control,” he explains.

Pregnant women, mothers, and children face significant challenges due to limited access to maternal healthcare. Through MAF's continued efforts, remote mountain communities now have access to essential medical services, bringing hope and improving health outcomes for countless individuals.

Story and photos by: Jacqueline Mwende